Argentina's past is strongly anchored in fervent Roman Catholicism. But the country's past, present and --undoubtedly-- future thrives on fervent football fanaticism. Granted, soccer fever has infected the entire world at this point. But in Argentina, the contamination knows no bounds. The front page of the main financial newspaper now features Lionel Messi as much as it does bond swaps. During broadcast of other games, say Uruguay-France, there are frequent interruptions as segments of Argentina's best goals are shown, to the detriment of whatever other team is playing (because, truly, who cares?). And, everywhere, blue and white reigns. Flags decorate taxis, employees head to the office proudly displaying their patriotism on their painted cheeks and streets of the capital were swamped on Thursday following the country's win. An editorial in one of the country's leading newspaper, La Nacion, summed it up this way: "Que Dios sigue siendo argentino"-- May God continue being Argentine.

Argentine patriotism for sale at the Plaza de Mayo.

"Your mind will spend all 24 hours in South Africa. We will too."

Even the dogs have been converted.
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